Bridget Mullen: Birthday

Publisher: Zolo Press & Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles
ISBN: 979-8-9860930-5-5
Dimensions: 8.5 x 12.6 in. / 216 x 320 mm
Bridget Mullen (1976, Minnesota, USA) is the ruler of an unruly roost. Between 2021 and 2023, she gave birth to forty-seven paintings, each twelve-by-nine inches: kin ugly and cute, monstrous, fleshy, repulsive, droopy-eyed, and sneering as they cross the universal threshold into the no less frightening world that awaits. Birthday reunites Mullen’s uncanny litter alongside a conversation between the artist and Lucas Blalock.
Bridget Mullen: Birthday
$ 52.00